Friday, 30 November 2018

Time for Tusk to get real. The EU can’t…

Time for Tusk to get real. The EU can’t impose No Brexit. We can just take it, trouser our £39 billion, and shove our own tusk up the lot of ‘em.

Theresa May’s backstop is just that – a…

Theresa May’s backstop is just that – a dollop of crap. The Brits aren’t going to erect a hard border in Northern Ireland. The Irish daren’t. And if the EU try, there’ll be a revolution. Epsom Salts for the comedienne in Number Ten.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Deadly Deals…

In the 1973 Heath took the UK into EEC with only 38% of the population in favour. Will May take us out with the same lack of support for her Deadly Deal?