Friday, 11 January 2019

Stray Thoughts

May and Hammond sling their hooks – good. Can we now rebuild the navy and defence forces?

Re Carbon Fooprints

Have Green MEPs refused to join the carbon footprint caused by moving the Euro-mob to Strasbourg and back every month?

On Climate Change...

During a period of global warming around 2000 years ago, the Romans expanded their empire to the north of Europe.

During a period of global warming around 1000 years later, the Vikings explored the Arctic seas, discovered America and established farms in Greenland.

Now, another 1000 years on, during a further period of global warming, a crowd of CND look-alikes want to close our country down.


Patience My Little Eco Warrior...

Climate Change started 5 billion years ago. It is forecast to end in a further 5 billion.

Patience my little Eco Warrior - patience


Old Juncker... (To the tune Widecombe Fair)

Old Juncker, Old Juncker, lend me your deaf ear,
we’re a big market with fish in our sea,
can trade with the wide world without you my dear
wi’ no Blairites or Bercows, Nicky Morgans,
Vince Cables, Heseltineys, Anna Soubrys,
disdainful Ken Clarks - sod ‘em all,
disdainful Ken Clarks - sod ‘em all.